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Basic information about the project

Project name: Improvement of conservation status of habitat types and species of European importance at abandoned military areas

Project short name (Acronym): Military LIFE for Nature

Project number: LIFE15 NAT/CZ/001028
Main promoter: BELECO, z.s.

  • Česká krajina o.p.s.
  • Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
  • Wetland s.r.o.

Implementation period: 2016-2022

Project beginnings:

In the past, the project's main promoter, in collaboration with other partners, did research on the biodiversity of abandoned military areas. The result confirmed the extraordinary natural significance of some former training grounds and tank training areas. Simultaneously, it became clear that as a result of termination of military training, these territories are becoming overgrown, sensitive plant and animal species are disappearing, and their value is rapidly decreasing. The current project is a response to these findings and aims to demonstrate three possible management approaches that are appropriate for this type of territory using examples of the most important abandoned military areas, which are also part of the Natura 2000 network.

Project aim:

The overall project aim is to provide appropriate management of the extremely valuable natural sites formed in the past by military training through various management approaches, thus creating the conditions for ensuring the favourable conservation status of the habitats of European importance 2330, 4030, 5130, 6210, 6210*, 6260*, and 8230, as well as the species of European importance Jersey tiger (Euplagia quadripunctaria*) and greater pasque flower (Pulsatilla grandis) in the project areas.


  • Restoring open sand areas within habitats 2330 and 6260* at Pánov and setting sustainable long-term use with a positive impact on these habitats.
  • Significantly expand the range of habitats 6210 and 8230 in areas currently affected by vegetation succession at Načeradický kopec and enable sustainable management.
  • Introduce the breeding of large herbivores at Mašovická střelnice and Havranické vřesoviště and thus create suitable conditions for habitats 4030, 5130, 6210 and 6210* and the greater pasque flower.
  •  Provide suitable conditions for occurrence of the Jersey tiger* at Blšanský chlum.
  • Test and promote three different management approaches to maintain the favourable status of habitats and species at sites previously used by the military.

Explanatory notes:
* an asterisk indicates Natura 2000 priority habitats and species

2330 - Inland dunes with open Corynephorus and Agrostis grasslands
4030 - European dry heaths
5130 - Juniper (Juniperus communis) formations on heaths or calcareous grasslands
6210 - Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia)
6210* - Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) (important orchid sites)
6260* - Pannonic sand steppes
8230 - Siliceous rock with pioneer vegetation of the Sedo-Scleranthion or of the Sedo albi-Veronicion dillenii

Planned activities:

  • Carry out clearance management (removal of self-seeding woody plants) at Blšanský chlum, Načeradický kopec, and Pánov
  • Introduce long-term disturbance management at Pánov as a basic management approach for the care of this area 
  • Support grazing of mixed sheep and goats as basic management of Blšanský chlum and Načeradický kopec
  • Introduce grazing of "wild" horses at Havranické vřesoviště and Mašovická střelnice
  • Raise awareness among the general public about the scientific significance of abandoned military areas and the possibilities for their protection 
  • Involve local communities in the care of sites

Expected results:

  • 55 ha of restored sites 2330 and 6260* at Pánov
  • Removal of continuous shrubs and black locust trees on 48 ha at Načeradický kopec and restoration of habitats 6210 and 8230 on these areas
  • Improvement of habitats 4030, 5130, 6210 and 6210* and greater pasque flower on horse grazing areas
  • Provision of suitable conditions (habitats) for Jersey tiger* on 18 ha of Blšanský chlum
  • ncreased attractiveness of project sites for the general public through appropriate educational and recreational elements
  • Promoting alternative ways of management of sites previously affected by military training