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Blšanský chlum


This former training ground is located southeast of Louny near the village of Blšany u Loun. The site is in the form of a short ridge consisting of neovolcanic inselbergs of Blšanský chlum (293 m a.s.l.) and the southward-situated Malý chlum (283 m a.s.l.) and the adjacent slopes.


The area of the site is 28 ha.

Vegetation cover

The southern slopes of both volcanic hills and the summit of Blšanský chlum are covered with sparse rocky steppe vegetation, which towards the foot is followed by a wide strip of stratified self-seeding woody plants, sometimes replaced by degraded dry grasslands in the undergrowth of abandoned cherry orchards.

Military use of the site in the past, current state

From the 1950s to the end of the 1980s, the area was a training ground for military equipment. At the time of the most intense use, there was a dense network of rutted tracks in the area. After training finished in the early 1990s, the area gradually began to overgrow with woody plants.

Legal protection

The project site is legally protected as Blšanský chlum Special Area of Conservation and a natural monument of the same name.